October 19 2017: The Traditionsverband at the Annual Meeting of the ARWT

On October 19 2017, the Amt für Rüstung Wehrtechnik (ARWT) held its 2017 Annual Meeting at the Burstyn Barracks in Zwölfaxing east of Vienna. As this year’s motto was “Military Vehicle Technology Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”, the Traditionsverband was asked to provide the vehicles surrounding the event, displaying Austrian military vehicles from the 1950s to the 1980s. Willys Jeep, Puch Haflinger, Gräf & Stift recovery crane, Steyr 680 M3F and Berliet GBC 8MT were parked next to M26 Pacific and Diamond recovery crane from the collection of the Military History Museum. Keynote addresses were presented by ARWT, RMVV (MAN Rheinmetall Military Vehicles Vienna) and the “Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit” (Traffic Safety Board).

Still considered to be an “exotic” vehicle among Austrian Army motorization: Berliet GBC 8MT from 1968
Still considered to be an “exotic” vehicle among Austrian Army motorization: Berliet GBC 8MT from 1968
Jeep, Haflinger, Pinzgauer and Steyr – great names from the Austrian military vehicle manufacturers during the first 50 years of the Austrian Army
Jeep, Haflinger, Pinzgauer and Steyr – great names from the Austrian military vehicle manufacturers during the first 50 years of the Austrian Army
State-of-the-art heavy military recovery vehicle: MAN HX 8x8
State-of-the-art heavy military recovery vehicle: MAN HX 8x8

(all pictures Copyright ARWT